Rangatahi Services

Tū Pou Tahi was established to provide a Rangatahi health and wellbeing service throughout the Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga region.


  • To empower Rangatahi and whānau to take responsibility of their health and wellbeing.
  • To promote responsible sexual behaviour and to educate them so that they may make well informed choices.
  • To develop programmes that empower Rangatahi to take control of their future and to strive for greatness.
  • To provide workshops and activities to increase Rangatahi ability to cope with the pressures of life in today’s society.

Pirirākau Youth Group and OSCAR School Holiday Programme are delivered during the school holidays.  If you would like to register your child 5-13 years, please contact the team.

Contact Waitarehu Ormsby, Te Wairere Te Moana or Kyla Bidois on extn 710 or 027 344 9266 or;

Email: rangatahi@pirirakauhauora.org.nz