Nau mai haere mai – Welcome to our new website. It has been over 12 years since we introduced a website for our whānau and community to have access to the services Pirirākau Hauora delivers. A lot has changed over the years, and we were fortunate to receive innovation funding this year, which has given us the opportunity to refresh, update, include kupu Māori, install interactive drop-down boxes to navigate through the site. We have included our quarterly panui/newsletters, job vacancies and health links resources to provide direct information to support your questions and aid your wellbeing.
We have the ability to update the site ourselves which will include monthly health messages and promotions.
New photos will come however we need sunshine and blue skies to give us perfect lighting etc so watch this space …
Hope you enjoy scrolling through our pages.
Ngā mihi
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3 Lochhead Road, RD6
Te Puna, Tauranga 3176
Te Ōturu Oranga
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